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As a student-athlete of Coach G for 4 years, I have been given the pleasure of working with her to improve not only my physical strength through her intense workouts, but also my mental strength. Playing basketball my whole life, I have faced many adversaries, whether it be due to playing time, injuries, or even bad shooting days. However, through it all I had Coach G by my side. She provided me with a space to relax my mind and ease my thoughts that came through an extremely emotional time. Coach G always was able to redirect my thinking to a logical state, allowing me to refocus my mind on what was most important, and ultimately enabling me to have the most successful basketball career, being named Orange Counties Student Athlete of Character, 2nd team all league, and more. 


I’ve had the pleasure of working with G for 8 years now. While I expected to grow stronger physically from our time together, I did not anticipate to grow stronger mentally. But that is just what G-FIT is all about: holistic development that enhances your well-being and overall quality of life. Whether you want to hone in on discipline, motivation, intentionality, mindfulness, nutrition, spirituality, or self-discovery – G can guide you to unimaginable heights. She has helped me in all of these regards and truly improved my relationship with myself and thereby improved my relationship with others. Working with G is a transformative journey I believe can benefit all teenagers and young adults. 


Throughout my sports career, Coach G has helped me compete at a high level physically and mentally. Going from many days of feeling like I wasn’t good enough or feeling like I was never moving in an upward direction with my game, Coach G was an outlet needed to change my mentality and outlook on myself. She taught me how to journal with gratitude and find the good in everything. In such a short period of time she was able to steer my mental state to a more open and clear mind. I was able to freely play the game I love and work efficiently and happily towards my goals without a self imposed roadblock. This correlates to her workouts as well. Catering to your physical needs just as much as mental. She helps you figure out why something is hurting or certain muscles are imbalanced, and creates a plan to critique your flaws to create the best you. 


As a student athlete, I initially approached basketball with a main focus on physical prowess and skill, overlooking the significant role that mental strength plays in the game. It was under the initial guidance of Coach G and her impact on myself and my team that I began to appreciate the crucial importance of the mental aspect of basketball, as well in life. At first, mental awareness seemed secondary to the physical demands of the sport, but Coach G patiently emphasized its influence on my overall performance and happiness. Over my 4 years in high school, Coach G helped me recognize the impact of harnessing and controlling my thoughts and emotions both on and off the court. The shift in perspective not only enhanced my confidence and on-court decision making but also transformed me into a more well-rounded and successful student athlete. I am more than grateful for her passion she holds for me and the rest of her athletes, and I am certain she will positively impact countless more in the future. 


As an athlete, I’ve come to realize the profound impact that mental performance has on our game – a factor that was, unfortunately, undervalued until I began my training with Coach G. In her role as a coach, she goes beyond the conventional scope by not only providing exceptional performance training but also delving into the intricate mental aspects of athletes. Coach G’s unique approach to enhancing athletes’ abilities is unparalleled. I can confidently attest that my journey as an athlete would not have reached anywhere close to my goals without the invaluable guidance and support of Coach G and G-FIT. 


I initially met G when I was 16 going through an ACL tear at the peak of my athletic career. Not only did she guide me through the recovery physically, but she mentally supported me when I made the decision to not pursue collegiate level soccer. Although I may have thought that was where my relationship with G would end, that was, and is, certainly not the case. G’s unwavering support, love, and guidance has played a massive role in the woman I am today. Her disposition to eagerly listen, as a growing teenage girl, is something I will be grateful for forever. Still to this day, she is someone I turn to when faced with conflict in my life, lack of motivation, or just the simple need for someone to listen. 


Before my sessions with G, I was extremely anxious and under confident in my abilities in my next steps in life. I have always believed my identity was just being a lacrosse player, and now that I am graduating this year and moving on to the real world, I have discovered some anxiety, which is something I have never felt before. The athletic and academic scene at Notre Dame has always been where I felt comfortable with every decision I’ve made, but where the uncertainties arose was thinking about the next steps of my life. Although I still have not decided on a definite career, I am proud to say G has allowed me to be confident and take risks in this foreign area of my life and know for certain that my identity is not just being an athlete. I consider G someone I can talk to about anything, which is crazy for only knowing her briefly. I look forward to our weekly calls and being able to spill whatever happened during my busy week, whether it be about my social life, what was going on with my family, or just sharing the great moments that occurred that week with her! Listening to G and her life story was extremely comforting and easy to relate to. Seeing how well she is doing and all she has accomplished has allowed me to take a step back and recognize all the good ahead of me without being anxious.

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